While we’re waiting…story time.

Wheeler we wait on me to go off to treatment, and I take an array of self prescribed detox meds, mainly just to maintain me until I get to where I need to be, I guess we can have story time.

The night it all went down hill

In my using, I had finally found a place where I was happy. I had enrolled in the methadone clinic(not planning to REALLY stop, just to get that legal high that they offer), was working and ready to become a productive member of society. Mind you, before this, I never was a thief or anything, I was just a bit reckless. I went and signed up for the clinic that morning, thinking that it would be like any other day. It took FOREVER, but I finally got my dose and was on my way. I was late for work, so the guy that I was with rushed me there and we kissed goodbye and he sped off in my car. That was the kind of winners I dated.

My workday was fairly normal. Shitty tables, but good coworker company. I worked my shift, thinking that something was different about today, I was starting over a new leaf. I came clean to my bosses about my struggles, and one suggested that I take the suboxone that she would bring me from her home instead of getting on the juice(the restaurant biz…), but no, I was committed to giving this a try.

My shift DRAGGED on, as I was not as high as I thought I would have been…then FINALLY, I looked at the clock and realized that I should have been off a minute ago. Like….40 to be exact. My roommates were supposed to come and relieve me and one of the kitchen staff and they had never shown up. I called home and was informed that they had taken MY CAR and left about an hour ago.

I start to freak. Had they run off with it? Had they been in a wreck? I tried to help pick up the slack from being so short handed at work, but I was just too distracted. Eventually, 2 police officers walk in. “Is Crystal Berthelot, here?” I hear him ask my boss. I’m tempted to run, but ehm, why fight, I walk to the front of the restaurant and they escort me outside.

They explain that my roommates had been pulled over on a routine traffic violation and that weed had been found on one of them. They had searched the car and found a spoon. This had given them a warrant to the house, and inside(in my room specifically) they had found a dirty spoon, an EMPTY adderall capsule, a weed pipe, and some other smoking accessories. AS they clinked the handcuffs, and brought me to the police station, I figured I’d be out by the morning. They didn’t find any REAL drugs. How wrong I was. See, the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Department really had it out for us…and it’s time America knew how they acted.

My charges read: Possession of Heroin(for the residue on the spoon), Possession of Adderall(for the capsule),Possession of Marijuana(the pipe), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia(the pipe), and Illegal Use of CDS in the presence of persons under 17. And I was the one with the LEAST charges. My bond came to $56,864. I was horrified. More for my jail story tomorrow, or maybe later today…we’ll see if I get bored. Let me know how you like this and we can go from there!!!

Also, please email, KiK, or tweet me…I could really use someone to talk to. You can find that info on my contact page,m but I will repost it here.

email: crystalsjourneytosobriety@gmail.com

KiK: NoTimeLikeToday24

Twitter: @NoTim3LikeToday

CrystalphotoToday’s pic…not looking much better…at the end…we will run them all in a time lapse!!!


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